Marginalization, Globalization and Regional and Local Responses

Commission C20.32 Marginalization, Globalization, and Regional and Local Responses

is one of 43 International Geographical Union (IGU) commissions

The mission of the Commission is to research marginality and the processes of marginalization from different perspectives and with a geographical basis. The main focus is to better understand multiscalar relations between the globalization process and how marginality evolves at the local and regional levels. Moreover, we seek to improve our understanding of local and regional responses to different forms of marginality and marginalization processes.

More about C20.32

Great Zimbabwe

Forthcoming events

The programme of the IGU Dublin has been released. To find our commission's sessions click the following link: After clicking the link you will see the site with the whole programme - to see our commission's sessions tick the number as shown on the picture on the right.

The Business meeting of the Commission is taking place on Thursday, 29 August at 12:00 - 13:00  in U-Building KA115 Pairc Room and you are all welcome to join!

International Symposium 22.10.2024-24.10.2024 in Hermagor, Carinthia, Austria

In memory of Zlatko Pepeonik, 1934-2004

The C20.32 is a co-organizer of the above memorial symposium and you were welcome to submit an abstract on the subtopic "The role of tourism in marginal areas" or any other. Abstracts with 300 words at the maximum in English including name and affiliation of the author(s) were to be submitted by using the linked Application Form. Also posters accompanied by a short oral explanation are invited, but this has to be indicated with abstract submission. 


Abstract submission deadline extended until 31 May 2024! 
  • 31 May 2024: Call for papers closes
  • 1-30 June: Review of abstracts by the scientific committee
  • 1 July 2024: Notification on paper acceptance, online registration opens

The last published book

Case Studies from Nepal, Southeast Asia and other regions

The last published book in the series Perspectives on Geographical Marginality

This book focuses on the interrelations between nature and humans, in particular on those segments of societies that have been left behind (marginal groups). Nature is both the friend of humans and their adversary, depending on the way people treat and use it. Consequently, the book adopts a wide perspective of marginality: nature that has been marginalized by man (ecological marginality), but also social groups marginalized by politics, economic interests, and value judgements imbedded in culture. Many chapters deal specifically with issues in Nepal, but along with the other chapters with case studies from Southeast Asia and other regions, they demonstrate that the major man-nature problems are the same everywhere and can only be solved by constructive politics through clear regulations, convincing actions and general acceptance. 

Recent events

4-7 September 2023, Barcelona, Spain

Session: Landscape and change in marginal regions Code: 01183


Prof. Walter Leimgruber, University of Fribourg/CH (Switzerland), Dr. Stanko Pelc, University of Primorska, Koper (Slovenia) 

2023 Regional Studies Association - RSA Annual Conference

14-17 June 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Special session:

SS39: Responding to the Marginalisation of ‘left behind places’ in an era of Local, Regional and Global Uncertainty

Session Organiser: Stanko Pelc, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Paris - 18-22 July 2022

The event was organised in venues epitomising the living heart of geography in the city: Sorbonne, Institut de Géographie, Société de Géographie.


Within our Commission, three sessions have been accepted:

Marginalization, globalization, and grands projets agricoles dans les périphéries des Suds : des

logiques adaptées aux transitions actuelles ?

Marginalization, globalization and large agricultural projects in the peripheries of the global South: a

logic adapted to the current transitions?

La valorisation internationale du local au sud de la Méditerranée : entre impasses et recompositions territoriales

International valorization of the local scale in the southern Mediterranean: between deadlock and spatial reconfiguation

Global and regional inequalities. what does the past teach us for the future?

Inégalités globales et régionales : qu’est-ce que le passé nous renseigne pour le futur ?

Thematic session:

The plight of the marginalized women in the developing world.


We invite you to submit your abstracts on the conference website to one of the Commission’s sessions, or to the thematic session, all listed above.

The call for abstracts is now open until January 11th, 2022. When you do so, please send also a copy to the Commission chair and the secretary (links below).


Thank you! Looking forward to meeting you in Paris



Commission's session at 

34th International Geographical Congress

16-20 August, 2021 

Link to session's description



Monday, 9th August 2021

       9.00 –   9.30 Opening ceremony

       9.30 – 11.00 Morning paper session

     11.00 – 11.15 Break

     11.15 – 12.30 Paper session

     12.30 – 13.30 Break

     13.30 – 15.00 Afternoon paper session

     15.00 – 15.15 Break

     15.15 – 16.30 Paper session

     16.30 – 17.00 Conclusions

Tuesday, 10th August 2021

       9.00 – 11.00 Morning paper session

     11.00 – 11.15 Break

     11.15 – 12.30 Paper session

     12.30 – 13.30 Break

     13.30 – 15.00 Afternoon paper session

     15.00 – 15.30 Conclusions

     15.30 – 16.00 Break

     16.00 – 17.00 Business meeting

Please note that this is an interim programme and is subject to change depending on the number of conference registrations.

The full online Conference Programme will be available starting with 15 July 2021.

News from the commission's secretary.

If you want to share some marginalization and globalization related information please contact prof. Walter Leimgruber (secretary) or prof. Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš.